Question based marking

Learn how to mark an exams attempts by question rather than by each full attempt.

Question based marking is only availible via the markers inbox. You can turn this on by going to your portal settings > User access > Enable the page and ask your markers to refresh their pages.

Question based marking allows markers to review and score exam attempts by question, rather than by the entire exam attempt.

This is particularly useful if a marker is only responsible for marking specific questions. Instead of sifting through every exam attempt, they can simply select the question they need to mark from their markers inbox and focus on marking that question's responses from all candidates. This makes the process quicker and more efficient.

To find question based marking, first navigate to the markers inbox

Next select the 'Question marking' button just above the candidate attempts. This updates the markers inbox to show all the questions that are available for them to mark.

Next you can select the 'Mark' icon to the right of the question you would like to mark. A popup will display with the number of attempts for that question there is available to mark.

Clicking the 'Mark question' button will load you into the marking interface.

Down the left side of the screen, you'll find your candidates. If you're familiar with our attempts-based marking, this is usually where the questions would appear. In the centre of the screen, youโ€™ll see the response from the selected candidate. Lastly, on the right, you'll find the area where you can input your marks, read and markers information, add notes, and add feedback for the candidate.

For more information on how to set up markers or to make based on an attempt basis, check out our Mark/Score attempt document

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