Creating groups

How to create new groups, set a type and add / invite users.

Creating groups and adding users is an essential part of managing your Synap platform. In general your user groups will closely align to the content on platform, eg: having a 'Summer Econ 101 Exam Group' with users sitting that exam and with the exam assigned to it.

Users can be members of more than one group and you may have some groups purely for management purposes, eg: 'ACME Company User Group' could be used just to manage users from that company. Users will take the highest level of permissions from the groups they're in, if you have a user in a student group and educator group, then they will be an educator. You cannot make new Admin or Manager groups

Once you've made a group there are 5 ways to get users into it:

  1. Add or invite a user - Click here for more

  2. Importing / inviting new users - Click here for more

  3. Adding existing users - Click here for more

  4. Generating user accounts - Click here fore more

  5. Create a user group share link - Click here for more

๐Ÿง  On Synap it is membership of a group which determines what someone has access to.

To create a new group, go to the the Users page and Create group

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŽ“ Student groups

To make a new student group, give the new group a name and set the user type, add a description and set a sub portal if needed.

We recommend you give your groups an easily identifiable short name that will show other users exactly who's in the group.

๐Ÿง  Remember students cannot see the names or descriptions of the groups they are in!

Once your group has been created you can add existing users or invite new ones, check out our docs on adding and inviting users for more

Adding & inviting users

Edit a groups name and description at any time, you cannot change the group user type or sub portal once it's ben created.

Go to a student group's Settings>Access to configure specific educator groups to view, edit or modify learning records according to your requirements.

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿซ Educator groups

Follow the same steps above to create an educator group, just make sure you set the user type to Educator .

Educators the most configurable role on Synap, go to a groups Settings>Permissions page to set global permissions for a group.

There are so many different roles you can create with our global and specific permissions, please see our permissions guide below for more information


๐Ÿ’ก Top tips

The user group id, sub portal (if relevant), type and inputted description is located below the name in the top left hand corner. You can click this once to copy it to your clipboard and then use it when searching for a user group to set an exam to or grant access to a collection

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