Viewing assignments & publishing new versions

Publishing changes from a source course to an active assignment & picking a publishing strategy

๐Ÿง  Remember Assignments are a snapshot of a course at the moment it is assigned. So changes made to a course after its assigned will not automatically be pulled through for new or existing users. Read the article below for how to publish course changes to users in an active assignment

๐Ÿ‘€ Viewing an assignments progress

Once a course has been assigned, an assignment group is created. Go to the assignments page and select an assignment. From here you'll get an overview table with all the users in the assignment group and their status on each assignment as well as an assignment link which takes you to a more detailed view for each user. On this link you can see exactly which items they're up to and any survey responses.

๐Ÿ›‚ Publishing new versions

If you want to make changes to a source course you can find the exact one from the assignment group page you can find the source course from the top left hand side

Once changes have been made to the course, these will not automatically be shown in assignments, to have those changes show you need to publish a new version of the course to the assignment.

To do this use the left hand submenu go to 'Course versions' then select the '+New version' button. From here you'll be asked to select a strategy for who this update will affect. The platform will provide a definition of each strategy, the key thing to think about is; Do you want this to affect existing users as well as new users who are added to the group?


New enrollees

Existing assignments will be unaffected. Only new enrollees with be assigned the new version.

Not started

New enrollees and existing enrollees who have not started their assignment will receive the new version.

Not completed

New enrollees and existing enrollees who have not completed their assignment will receive the new version.


New enrollees and existing enrollees who have completed their assignment will receive the new version. Existing enrollees who have yet to start or are in progress can continue with their current assignment.


New enrollees and those who passed their assignment will be assigned the new version.

Once you've selected your strategy, publish the change. You'll be able to track all of these versions from the course version table

For a detailed walkthrough please watch the video below

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