Question statistics

Learn how to use the Question statistics page to make more data driven decisions and gain a new level of insights into your questions.

Synap's Questions statistics page can be found on all exams, this page is designed to provide you with a deeper insight into the performance on individual questions within an exam. Learn how users are interacting with questions and make informed decisions about content adjustments, tagging and overall quality assurance. Head over to an exam with completed attempts and use the sub menu to navigate to 'Questions'.

From the question statistics page you can minimise the sub menu to make the most of the space on screen.

Columns and data

Use the Manage columns drop down to select which columns to have shown or hidden, different question types have different statistics and information available to view

The table below summarises the different columns and what they display. As a quick reminder on credits and points:

  • Points - Are what is awarded for a correct / partially correct response. If negative marking is being used then points are what are deducted for an incorrect answer

  • Credits - The maximum points up for grabs for answering a question correctly


Question stem

A preview of the question as it appeared in the exam (open the toggle to view)

Average credits

The average number of credits achieved by users in this exam on this question

Max credits

The maximum number of points that can be awarded for a correct answer

Partial credits

The number of points awarded for a partially correct answer

Negative scoring

The number of credits deducted for an incorrect response

Average score

The average percentage score of the question in this exam


The EMQ group the question belonged to (if any)


The section ID the question belongs to (if any)

Subject, Topic, Subtopic, Skill and Difficulty

The faceted tag/s set on the question (if any)


The total number times the question appeared in completed exam attempts


The number of times the question was answered correct, incorrect, partially correct, or skipped

Option breakdown

The number of times each answer option was selected for this question during this exam

Statistics: Chance

The probability of guessing the correct answer, this is based on the number of possible answers with a single correct answer

Statistics: P-Value

Item difficulty index ranges from 0 to 1, the higher the p-value the easier the question

Statistics: Type

The discrimination type will either be the Pearson or Rpb (point biserial). Rpb is a special case of the Pearson's correlation used when the question only has two possible outcomes (correct or incorrect). Pearson will be displayed when there are 15+ responses, and candidates received correct, incorrect, or partial marks, Rpb will be displayed when there are 15+ responses, and candidates received only correct or incorrect marks.

Statistics: Value

The discrimination index is a measure of the correlation between success in a particular question and success in the entire exam, and ranges from -1 to 1. The higher the value the better the question discrimination between high and low performing candidates. A negative value suggests low performing candidates are more likely to answer the question correctly than high performing candidates. These values will be displayed when there are 15++ responses.

Search by ID or External ID using the search bar and use the toggle to expand each question in more detail. Questions that require manual marking don't have an aggregated response to show.

Remember when creating exams, the questions are cloned from the source quiz or quizzes at the time of creation, so any edits you make to questions after the exam has been created won't be pulled through. This means your question stats page could look different to your actual questions if they have been updated.

Last updated