๐ŸฆšStudents Insights page

Give your users insights into their learning through Synap's industry leading analytics feature

One of the most important features we've ever done, this is a top level page for student. Admins and educators can also view these pages for each student.

๐Ÿšจ All insights on Synap require tags and facets being set correctly, specifically: Subject, Topic, Subtopic, Skill and Difficulty.

Get in touch via the chat on platform if you want help with tagging and assigning facets

Tags & facets

To turn this pages on go to : Settings > Pages > Student > Student Insights

The insights page is designed to give users valuable insights into the following:

  • Engagement

  • Average scores

  • Cohort comparison

  • Date filtering

  • Skill / Difficulty selection

  • Progress

Last updated