Question types
Learn about the different question types that can be used in your exams and quizzes
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Learn about the different question types that can be used in your exams and quizzes
Last updated
Select the question type, there are 10 to choose from :
Question Type | Description |
Single correct | Multiple choice type of question, with one correct answer. This type can also contain can be image answer options. |
Multiple correct | Multiple choice type question, users must select all the correct options to achieve the marks. |
Ranked | Multiple choice type of question, users must exactly re order the options into the correct order to achieve the marks. |
Free text | Text entry is required to answer the question, the system doesn't mark these questions. If you are using Free Text questions in an exam you must set the results to deferred on the quiz configuration, as these need to be marked off platform. Code blocks can also be included as apart of a users response |
File upload | Student must upload a Word / pdf etc file to the platform. These files need to be exported and marked off platform. Enable webcam shots to ask users to take a photo of themselves as a response to this question. |
Audio Recording | Student must record themselves speaking using an audio recording widget in the answer box |
Informational | These questions are just used for providing information. You will not provide answer options, free text box or file upload option. Users cannot get these questions right or wrong |
Cloze drag and drop | Students must drag and drop their response from a list of options to fill a gap(s) in a sentence or formula |
Cloze drop down | Students must select their response from list of options in a drop down menu to fill a gap(s) in a sentence or formula |
Cloze free text | Students must type a response to fill a gap(s) in a sentence or formula. This will be automarked against a list of correct answers specified in the quiz builder |
Multiple choice type of question, with one correct answer. This type can also contain can be image answer options.
Multiple choice type question, users must select all the correct options to achieve the full marks.
Additional configurations can be added to multiple correct question types, in a scenario where there is a total of 3 correct options out of 7 possible options on a multiple correct question type the additional configurations would mean:
Any = users can select any number of options (in the example they could select between 0 and 7 options)
Max = users can select up to the maxiumum number of correct options (in the example they could select 0, 1, 2 or 3 options)
Exact = users must select the exact number of correct options (in the example they have to select exactly 3 options)
Multiple choice type of question, users must exactly re order the options into the correct order to achieve the marks.
Text entry is required to answer the question, the system doesn't mark these questions. If you are using Free Text questions in an exam you must set the results to deferred on the quiz configuration, as these need to be marked off platform. Code blocks can also be included as apart of a users response
When configuring free text questions allow users to take a webcam capture of themselves when you enable webcam snapshots.
This is a great option if you want to have some identity verification during an exam. Just create a free text question and enable webcam snapshots in the question editor.
Student must upload a Word / pdf etc file to the platform. These files need to be exported and marked off platform. Enable webcam shots to ask users to take a photo of themselves as a response to this question.
Student must record themselves speaking using an audio recording widget in the answer box
These questions are just used for providing information. You will not provide answer options, free text box or file upload option. Users cannot get these questions right or wrong
Cloze questions are a type of fill-in-the-blank question where students complete sentences or formulas by inserting the correct words or phrases. They are used to assess understanding, recall, and application of knowledge in a structured format.
Student must drag and drop their selected answer from a given set of options into a specific gap in the question
Student must choose their selected answer from a dropdown menu for a specific gap in the question
Student must type their answer for a specific gap in the question. This will be automatically marked based on a list of possible correct answers the admin specifies
Option types
Phrase | Simple word / string only options. Options listed as a,b,c etc |
Image | Upload images as the options for users to select from. Options |
As well as simple formatting tools such as headers, alignment and bullet points, there are a range of more advanced tools available for you to present your questions to students:
Subscript - can be used when displaying chemical formulas
Superscript - can be used to display squared or cubed numbers
Special characters - there are a range of special characters available from those related to mathematical equations to arrows - available to students when answering a Free text question
Code - display text in code format
Insert code block - display text in a variety of different coding language formats (CSS, Java, Python etc) - available to students when answering a Free text question
Insert HTML - insert a HTML snippet to display a live page on an external website
MathType - insert advanced / detailed mathematical equations
ChemType - insert advanced / detailed chemical equations
Upload file - insert PDF, video or audio files. Once inserted, these cannot be repositioned so insert at the point you want to appear. For example, add text to explain the file, then insert the file
Languages - choose from a selection of non-English languages to write your question in