Records of learning

Create records of learning to store on users for qualifications, certifications or anything else they may have done off platform. Make Synap you're source of truth for a user's learning & assessments

This new feature is Pro only get in touch with support about upgrading

All attempts done on Synap are stored against exams and users, and if you're using assignments there is a record of all the users progress and certifications on Synap. However some things are done off platform and with Synap's records of learning you can import and recreate these records and store them on Synap.

Examples of Record of learning use

  • Storing person interview assessments scores

  • Additional qualifications

  • Importing previous attempts from another LMS / platform

  • Storing certifications and certificate files

  • Recreating qualifications which have expiry dates

To find a user's Record of learning, select a user through a group and navigate to their Overview then under the management section go to their individual Record of learning page.

Record fields

There are 3 default fields when creating a record:

  • Record name which is required for every record

  • Score is not required but we do recommend inputting it where possible, stored as a percentage

  • Record date this is the date of the record activity, not the date you are creating the record on

You can create your own additional custom record attributes which will show as additional columns on the record table.

Records of learning come with an additional File type attribute which can be used to attach files to a particular record row

Attribute typeExpected value on CSV



Long answer


Short answer


Multiple choice

One of defined options


defined options separated by commas


Any numerical value




Choose whether to display as text or as a button. The link can be typed as an absolute URL (opens in new tab), or a root-relative URL (open in the same tab)


Only .pdf files are accepted on platform or through the API. Files uploaded through the API are limited to 5mb each, or 10mb per request.

Custom Record of learning attributes

To make custom record attributes to store extra information against your Records of learning go to Settings > Data management > Attributes > Records of learning. From here you can create new record attributes the same way as other attributes on platform


Creating a new Record of learning

From the records table click the Add record button, a modal will open with all the available fields to add a new record

Student side Record of learning

Enable the student side record of learning by navigating to Settings > User Access > Students > Student Insights > Enable Records of learning tab

Once enabled students will be able to navigate to their Insights page and to a Records of learning tab to view all the records set to them. Note if any record attributes have been hidden from student users they won't see any values for these fields.

Advanced permissions for Records of learning

Advanced global and specific permissions required, available on Pro and Enterprise plans - get in touch with support to discuss upgrading and enabling

All admins and managers will be able to create, delete, and edit Records of learning. You can create custom roles using advanced permissions on specific educator groups to allow certain educators to edit/delete/create Records of learning for a specific user group. To do this you'll need to have or make a custom educator group

Go to the specific user group's access page to give a specific educator group permissions related to Records of learning. In the example below the '๐Ÿ’ฟ Record makers' is allowed to view and edit existing records for the '๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿš€ Astronauts' group, they can't create or delete new ones but this could be configured.

Record of learning API

Use Synap's API for Records of learning to:

Record of learning API (Beta)
  • GET all Records of learning for user a[limit]=2&page[offset]=0

page limit - max number of learning record to return
page offset - point at which to start returning learning records
  • DELETE a Record of learning

  • POST a Record of learning

  • PATCH an existing Record of learning

When creating your request bodies with form data. Please ensure that values are JSON spec compliant, eg using double not single quotes: "["foo","bar"]" not "['foo', 'bar']

Last updated