
Enable bookmarking for students to come

Synap's Bookmarking feature lets users mark specific questions during an attempt in a quiz or exam. Itโ€™s like dog-earing a page in a book to flip back to it later, let your users flag questions they may be unsure of before the submit a section or exam!

Head over to a quiz experience or an exams settings to and select to 'Show' bookmarking on attempts.

  1. Bookmark a Question:

    • Look for the bookmark icon next to each question.

    • Click the icon to save the question for later. When a question is bookmarked, the icon will change to show itโ€™s been marked.

  2. Viewing Bookmarked Questions:

    • On the quiz navigation panel, youโ€™ll see which questions have been bookmarkedโ€”these will be clearly highlighted.

    • You can click on any bookmarked question to jump straight to it.

  3. Un-Bookmarking:

    • Changed your mind? Simply click the bookmark icon again to remove the bookmark from a question.

Last updated