Dynamic notes

How to use the portal variables and logic operators that make up dynamic notes

This feature it only available on one of our Pro or Enterprise plans. Please speak to your account manager should you wish to upgrade or know more.

Dynamic notes provide the ability to use portal variables and if, else, each and unless logic statements. Culminating in the ability to create a more personalised user experience without the effort of having to create many individual versions of the same note.

Below you'll find an example of what's possible with dynamic notes, here we are using one to welcome the student and through automations and user attributes we can display their last 3 scores!

You can use dynamic portal variables and user attributes for personalisation, contextual links, and relevant information.

Below is breakdown of the available variables that can be used in a note:

Variable nameDescription

User ID

User id of the users account

User First Name

First name from the name field of the users account

User Last Name

Last name from the name field of the users account

User Full Name

Full name from the name field of the users account

User Email

Email from the email field of the users account

User Time Zone

Time zone of the users account

User Locale

Locale of the users account

User Token

Current Token of the user viewing the note

User Subportal ID

The Subportal ID of the user viewing the note

Custom User Attributes

Any custom user attributes will be displayed in the list, these will populate with the data that has been set on the users account that is viewing the note

Portal ID

Portal ID of your portal

Portal Name

Portal Name of your portal

Portal URL

URL of your portal

Using logic operators allows you to take user data, check and perform various operations depending on truthy falsey values or matching values.

Below is a list of the Logic operators available to use in a note:

Logic operatorBehaviour on a dynamic noteSyntax


If condition A is true, execute block A.

{{#if user.firstName ""}}  Hi {{user.firstName}}


If condition A is true, execute block A. Else, execute block B.

{{#if user.firstName ""}}  Hi {{user.firstName}} {{else}} Who are you? {{/if}}


If condition A is true, execute block A. Else If condition B is true, execute block B. Else If condition C is true, execute block C. If no conditions are true, execute the else block.

{{#if  user.firstName ""}} Hi {{user.firstName}} {{else if user.email ""}} Hi {{user.email}}  {{else}} Hi there! {{/if}}


Unless condition A is true, execute block A.

{{#unless user.name "John"}} Weclome to the portal John! {{/unless}}


For each item in a collection, execute the block for that item.

{{#each user.attr.subjects}} this.value {{/each}}

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