Configure collections
Tracked progress, generated attempts, card vs player layouts, priority display, custom labels/ messages and getting the most out of your collections!
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Tracked progress, generated attempts, card vs player layouts, priority display, custom labels/ messages and getting the most out of your collections!
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This doc will run through how to configure your Synap Collections for users to your learning specifications. Learn about the different layout options and how to add tracking, give locked items custom labels, pinning priority collections set generated attempt settings and more. Remember if you want to try out Synap for yourself we've got tonnes of demo content on our demo universe portal head over to of click here to get access.
Once you've created a Collection go to the Configure page here you'll find all the options available, for more detail on each option, hover over the ?
๐ก Top tip: From collection items hit preview at any time to view your collection as a student to check you're happy with the configuration!
By default collections display to users ordered by when they were created with the newest showing at the top and oldest at the bottom. You can set a priority display on collections to make sure they will always show at the top. Perfect for if some collections are more important than others.
There are two layouts to choose from for collections: Card or Player. Card is generally used if you want users to treat their Collections as a folder of content, where as the Player gives a more linear course feel and structure
Cards organise content and folders into a card view, you can customise the folder and content covers in the editor
The Collection player is a more linear style of learning for users. Content is arranged into collapsed folders, and shown to users on the left hand side. Users can navigate items using the previous / next buttons.
Enable tracking to visualise your journey through the collection through cards or the player! With this feature, you can easily see the status of each item:
๐ต Blue = New items added since your last visit.
๐ข Green = Items youโve already explored.
โช๏ธ Grey = Items yet to be discovered.
You can restrict access to collection items within a collection, these show as greyed out and 'Coming soon' on both card and player views by default. You can pick an alternative label like 'Locked' or 'Upgrade for more'.
๐ก Top tip: If you have a collection and you want to give a sample of it away for free you can set up 2 collections, a free one and an paid / full access one (use the cloning feature to speed this up). restrict the items you don't want users to have until they have full access. Then give access to the free collection to a custom student user group, and then give access to the group via your website or using user group share links (more here).
Then when you're users upgrade either manually or through an automation, remove them from the free collection group, thus removing their access to the free collection items, then give them access to the full access collection with the same items but unlocked.
From the students point of view they've just unlocked everything but behind the scenes they've moved to a new collection and user group.
Activate generated attempts to let users create personalised quizzes! Set the specific tag facets you want available for users to choose from, the lengths and modes. This feature pools all questions within a collection, offering a dynamic and customisable quiz experience. Enhance engagement and allow learners to focus on specific areas of interest.
Where timed exam is enabled, the system will use the time set on each question which if left blank defaults to 2 minutes to calculate the overall allowed time.
To get this feature to work you'll need to have set up tags and facets on your questions, see our guide for more
Tags & facetsSelect either Dropdown or Toggle options for how to display the different tag facets. Both options will lead to the same options for student's but your choice will depend on the UI you want for your users and how many tags you have to show.
If you have hundreds of tags then dropdown is more likely the best option as it condenses everything down into lists. Whereas toggle will show users everything upfront without them needing to know which tags belong to which facets.
Displays to users each tag facet with a drop down list to select the exact tags they want to be used in their generated quizzes.
Toggle display will list out all the tags in each facet group
Once you have enabled generated attempts, you can begin configuring the options your users will have to choose from.
Allow multiple tag selection
When enabled students can choose more than one tag for each facet
Exclude untagged questions
When enabled any questions that do not have tags will be excluded from the generation filters and not included in attempts
Show mastery filters
When enabled in-combination with the users study page, users will be able to filter questions by mastery level
If you haven't got the study enabled for your users then you shouldn't enable show mastery filters. If users are using the Study then show mastery level is a great way to let your users really target their weaker areas and make sure they're practicing the right questions to improve.
Learn more about the study and mastery levels from the doc below
Collections and the Study