Create and Manage Exams

Use the pages in this guide to navigate creating and configuring your exams

In this guide, you will learn how to create, set up, and customise exams to fit your use case. We'll also dive into the features that make Synap stand out, such as our intuitive interface, flexible question types, and powerful analytics.

๐Ÿ—๏ธ1. Setup: Exam๐Ÿ”จ2. Build: Examโš™๏ธ3. Configure๐Ÿš€4. Advanced๐Ÿ“จ5. Share๐Ÿ‘€6. Manage

Creating a Static Exam walkthrough

Creating a Dynamic Exam walkthrough

Marking an attempt walkthrough

More exam features

Anti-Cheat featuresProctoring

Clone an exam

If you've already got an exam set up you can use the handy clone exam feature to copy over all the exam settings, you can change the user group in the clone and any of the copied settings. Just note that if you've made changes to the source quiz this won't be reflected in the clone & you'll need to give it a new schedule.

Last updated