User information

Finding key information about users on your portal

Locate a user by searching for them by name and email in a group (they will always be in the All users group if you're not sure), click that user to go into their users overview pages.

Once you've opened a users profile, you will see a list subpages to the left of the page. The different sections of that list are broken down below.



The first page you see is the overview page. Here you can see the users custom attributes, their sessions over the last month and a list of their activities.


On the overview tab you can get a high level overview of a users' performance and engagement specifically across your Tags.

Tags & facets

The video below explains the different areas of the insights page

You can also view a list of the users attempts on the Attempts tab and go to the results page for any marked attempts by clicking on the score


The progress page is similar to Insights' attempts page in that it shows a list of attempts a user has taken along with links to the results pages. If a user has added items to their study, you can also view the breakdown of their questions across mastery levels in the pie chart.

If there is no pie chart on this page, it means the user has not added any quizzes to their study. You can advise they do this by opening the Available items tab on their study page

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Go to Assignments menu to view their progress and completed items on individual assignments


Go to Exams to see a table of users exam attempts split into open, upcoming and past sections. This is also what the user can see when they open their Exams page.

For open and upcoming exams, you can select 'View exam' in the right hand column to view the exam hall page. You can share the url of this page with th user if they are having trouble finding it. You can also use it to find out exam and attempt ids to help search for those items. For past exams you can find the same page by clicking the name of the exam in the left hand column. For marked attempts you can also view the results page of the attempt by selecting 'View results' link.


Go to Collections to see which collections a user has access too, and go into those collections.


User groups

The Users groups page on the submenu shows you a list of all the groups the user is a member of. You can revoke their access or add them to new groups from this page.


From the users administration page, admins and educators can view and edit attributes (attributes they've been given permissions to write).

You can also reset a users' password or send them a password reset email from this page.

Email history

View all the emails a user has been sent from the system including automated and manual messages. Select the 'View' button from the right hand column to open the full message and access any included links.

Last updated