Dynamic exams
Generate exams dynamically from banks of questions. Use tags and AND OR operators to set up the exam generation rules
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Generate exams dynamically from banks of questions. Use tags and AND OR operators to set up the exam generation rules
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Before you create dynamic exams consider the following:
Tags need to be set up on all the questions you want to use
Are sections being used? If so what are the weightings of question of questions / tags in each section
Head over to the exams page and create an exam, once you've filled in the details go to the Type selection and select Dynamic as the type of exam you're creating.
Once selected you'll also be asked if this is exam is going to have sections, select the appropriate option, and progress to the source step
From the Source part of the exam set up you'll be able to add one or more quizzes to pool your questions from. It's really important that all the questions you want to use are tagged other wise they won't be included in the exams.
Once the source quizzes have been selected you'll be shown a preview of the available number of questions, tags and quizzes. Once you're happy you can finalise the step or go back to the previous step to add additional quizzes
๐ง Remember once you've finalised the Source step you will not be able to go back and add or change your tests, and changes to the source test/s will not be reflected in the exams generated after this point.
For non sectioned exams you'll need to set an exam length, this will be the exact number of questions in the exam. All of the filters and rules you create must add up to this total. On sectioned exams the exam length will be inferred from the totals of each section.
Once an exam length has been set, tag filters need to be set up to match the number of questions stated. Dynamic filters will fail validation if too many or too few questions are used.
Use the AND
operator to select questions that must contain 2 or more of the selected tags. Be careful to pick the right number of questions otherwise selection will fail validation. The below example is going to pick 2 questions that both have the tags Biology AND
Use the OR
operator to select questions with tags that have one tag OR
another. The below image is showing a filter thats going to pick 2 questions with which have a Biology OR
a Fermentation tag.
Use the AND
operators together to build more complex filters. The below example is going to select 2 questions that have either the Biology AND
Medium OR
that have the Fermentation AND
Medium tags.
When you've set up the tag generation rules use the validate button in the top right to check your rules make sense. When something does fail validation you'll get an error message with guidance on how to resolve.
Once validated you can move onto the remaining steps for setting up your exam
If the exam has sections in it you will need to create tag filters, and set timers and titles for each section. You can optionally add instructions. Remember if you're enable shuffling of sections then you may not want to name your sections numerically as this may not be the order that they appear in for candidates
๐ง Sections contain questions, users navigate freely between questions in that section. But they cannot go back to a section once it has been submitted. If soft sections are enabled they can go back to view only answers but they can't change them.
Enable sections on a dynamic exam to create strict sections in your exam with different tag rules. Each candidate will get the sections in the same order, but different questions based on the rules in each section
Once enabled the section builder will appear, where you can create the section specific tag rules using the same AND
You can also add in section specific instructions and timers from here.
Once you've created and validated the sections you can carry on and set the rest of the exam and schedule
๐ง If you have the same tag in different sections, the same question will not be used twice.
Restricting the number of variations generated lets you set the maximum number of possible unique question sets generated for a user groups exams. Note this doesn't remove shuffling options that have been enabled. Setting a maximum variation of 1, means that all users will get the same set of questions, though they may appear in a different order.