Adding & inviting users by email

How to add existing users to a group and send out invites to new users

Existing users can be added to a group, they will get access to that group's content as soon as they are added in. New users will need to be invited to platform. Go to the group you want to add / invite users to. On empty groups, use the Add existing students and Invite new students buttons, or use the sub menu options to Add existing users or Import users.

โคต๏ธ Add existing users

Use the search bar to find existing users by name or email, click on the user to add them to the 'Add users' list. Multiple users can be added to the 'Add users' list at once. Click the add users button to add any users in that list to the group

โคด๏ธ Invite users

Go to Import users to invite users to a group. Enter email addresses separated by a comma or line. These can be new or existing users. You can include a custom message which will be included in the email body of the invite.

Once you start the import you'll get a confirmation message which will summarise the users being invited to the group.

New users will be invited and existing users not in the group will be added to the group.

After confirming you will be shown the User invites table where you can access, revoke, resend invites.

New users are sent an email with a unique invite link which is valid for 7 days, after that you will need to resend the expired invite link.

You can use an alternative email of your own to test the invite process. Remember to copy the link (rather than clicking 'Accept Invitation' and open it in a Private / Incognito browser window as you will be logged in as an Admin in your standard browser window

New users will need to accept the invitation and go through to the portal registration page where they can fill in the rest of their details and create their account.

๐Ÿง  Note: You can export all the invite links to a CSV and send them out through a different system

When inviting new users through the platform, you cannot include names or custom attributes for those new users, these must be added in once they have created their accounts. If you're inviting new users in bulk we recommend you use the importer as you can include attributes.

Last updated